Some families co-parent with ease, for others it is more of a struggle. At no time are struggles more heightened than over the Christmas and New Year period, where there are family commitments, time pressures and emotions can sometimes run high.

The following tips from The Gottman Institute could be helpful;

  1. Keep the best interests of your child/ren in mind. This applies no matter their age and may require flexibility from all parties. Research shows children are better adjusted to divorce and separation if parents can minimise conflict and be cooperative.
  2. Focus on positive communication with your former partner and their relatives - whether the children are present or not. It's suggested to communicate via email or phone call as text messages can get emotional and be misinterpreted
  3. Validate your child's feelings. It's OK for them to feel sad, or happy, or confused. It's also OK for them to spend time with their other parent. Please try not to make them feeling guilty.
  4. Consider new traditions for this time of year - volunteering for charity, decorating their room or the house, attending a concert together.

If you've got any other great tips that you've seen work - we'd love to hear from you -