Gen Alpha were born between approx. 2010 and the mid 2020s… it is likely if you are reading this, you have a child in your life who is part of this exciting generation!

Media paints Gen Alpha as being disruptive, rude and obsessed with skincare! Well, we think there is so much more to Gen Alpha - and a lot of it is good! The fact is, their childhoods, and futures are SO different from their parents (likely Gen X, Xennials and Millennials!). It’s important to try to understand Gen Alpha so we can communicate, connect and role model through their formative tween and teen years. 

So who are Gen Alpha?

 1.        They are digital natives. 

They have grown up with technology… they had a phone in their face capturing every moment when they were babies… often those images were shared on social media – years before they were old enough to give consent.  They are used to technology, are tech savvy and proficient in digital devices (usually far more so than their parents!).  This means they are also hyperconnected. They are very rarely switched off. 

 2.        They are hyperconnected.

Gen Alpha are always available, always connected – and that makes it very difficult to switch off. 

 3.        They have global awareness.

Thanks to the Internet, they have access to information from around the world 24/7.    A key skill to teach is for Gen Alpha to critically consider the validity of this information – just because it’s on the Internet, doesn’t mean it’s true!    

That said they also have reduced attention spans and a tendency to read headlines online rather than deep diving into full stories before forming opinions.

 4.        They are diverse and inclusive.

Gen Alpha are surrounded by diversity which is both accepted and tolerated.  They are likely to encounter people with different social, cultural, educational, and sexuality / gender backgrounds – both online and in real life.  Where previous generations may have judged people on these differences, Gen Alpha are much more accepting and understanding.   

 5.        They are entrepreneurial.

Throughout their lives, Gen Alpha have witnessed innovation and disruption – challenging the status quo. They are entrepreneurial and adaptable and are less likely to pursue ‘traditional’ career paths in the future. 

 6.        They are environmentally conscious.

Gen Alpha are much more likely to adopt and suggest eco-friendly practices and sustainability.  This is due to a combination of education – of things that have been done badly in the past – and hope in a better future for the planet. Societally, change is also enforced, such as banning single use plastics – which helps them adopt these environmentally friendly practices easily.

 7.        They are still heavily influenced by their parents.

This is a relief – and it will be interesting to see how this influence compares to previous generations as Gen Alpha reach the teenage years where they typically (and normally) move towards greater peer influence.   

Connection, protection, and respect need to be the foundations of the parent / Gen Alpha relationship. 

 8.        They learn differently. 

Technology, personalised learning and changes due to home learning during Covid-19 have changed the education landscape for Gen Alpha quite significantly.  It is feasible that Gen Alpha children could learn via online platforms from schools anywhere in the world.   AI is also an exciting and sometimes daunting tool for educating Gen Alpha, and again, they need to be taught to critically analyse information from AI rather than just accepting it as truth or a short cut to get an assignment done! 

 9.        They prioritise health and wellness. 

Gen Alpha are far more educated on physical and mental health and wellness than previous generations.  They have access to a wealth of resources online to support this health and wellness journey.

 10.  They believe they can change the world – and they probably will!

Gen Alpha have a suite of tools available to them to both educate and to rethink the way things have been done by generations before them.  They are powerful and they need to be encouraged to make change for the better. 

 11.  They still need role models.

Role models are of utmost importance, especially during the tween and teen years.   We need to role model how to behave online, but especially in real life.  Parents, mentors, influences in their lives need to model connection, communication, and relationship development, and allow Gen Alpha to practice, to learn, to make mistakes – and to ultimately grow!  

 12.   They are rarely bored which impacts creativity and imagination.

With the immediacy of information, and hyperconnection, creativity and imagination is diminished.  Physical activity and in-real-life connection is encouraged to combat this. 

 13.   They are connected, but still lonely.

Despite being the most connected generation to date, they also are the loneliest (this incorporates Gen Z also) due to lack of quality relationships.  Social media and online connections are not all bad – they are a form of connection and often a way to find like-minded people – however they should not take the place of in person connections and relationships. 

 14.  They are valuable.

By 2025 there will be 2 billion Gen Alpha alive, surpassing previous generations. By as early as 2030, Gen Alpha could occupy 11% of the global workforce. They have the power to make brands successful.

15.  They are our future -  they need to be nurtured and loved!

Gen Alpha are awesome!  They are experiencing the world differently to the way generations before them did, but that’s not all bad!  We need to protect, connect and respect Gen Alpha – and importantly they need to know they are loved.