Kath Koschel has experienced more in her lifetime than most.  Athletic success, catastrophic injuries, trauma, inexplicable loss.  And yet she remains upbeat, positive and always has KINDNESS at the forefront of her mind.  Kath had to re-learn how to walk (twice) and completed a 2 month journey around Australia travelling solely on the kindness of strangers.

This year, Kath released a book aptly called 'Kindness' outlining the 12 pillars of kindness and it is a great read for parents and kids alike.  She is a role model for us all.

Kath also created The Kindness Factory which is a place for all people to log their acts of kindness and The Kindness Curriculum which is an amazing program visiting schools teaching kids the importance of kindness.

To buy Kath's book, and to find out more about how incredible she is, visit https://kathkoschel.com