As we approach the long summer holiday break here in Australia, there is usually a mix of excitement about the freedom of holidays with warm weather, long summer evenings (and no school lunches to make!), as well as dread about how to keep the kids entertained for 6+ weeks!

The great news is - according to The Child Mind Institute - it is good for kids to be bored! In the current age of over stimulation and dopamine hits from instant access to entertainment; boredom is something that can help develop skills, creativity and self esteem. From making up games, art projects, cooking, mastering a new skill (like juggling!), building forts, or a treasure hunt around the house - there are so many things that kids can do that use some imagination and creativity - and not necessarily a screen! And they are fun!

Within Zown - there is a whole section on boredom busters - it probably should be called 'brain boosters' but we're not sure kids will be as excited about that!

So - next time your child tells you they're bored - congratulate them! It's an opportunity for so much fun!

It's recommended you sit down with your kids and brainstorm things they could do - either with you, with other children or alone.

For younger children, ideas could include:

  • Teddy bear breakfast or picnic
  • Bug or nature hunt
  • Treasure hunt inside to find the colours of the rainbow
  • Build and play in a fort
  • Lego or other building toys
  • Puzzles
  • Coloring or craft project
  • Call a relative
  • Cook together

For older children and teens, ideas to consider:

  • Board games
  • Drawing or other art projects
  • Read a book from a favorite series
  • Start a garden or another outdoor project
  • Create a podcast or website
  • Cook a meal
  • Work on sports skills